Kingsbridge Family Church Meet The Team

Meet The Team

Meet The Team

Pastor-in-Training & Church Leader / Trustee

Jonny Richmond

Jonny is in his first year as our Pastor-In-Training at Kingsbridge Family Church!

Before being called to this ministry, he worked with Youth For Christ for seven years, five of them here in Kingsbridge as the director of Kingsbridge Youth For Christ sharing the gospel and his love for Jesus with the young people of our town.

He is quarter Egyptian, can speak four languages and loves to go to the gym when possible, play the drums, run, hike…and he would almost always choose a starter and a main, over a main and dessert…unless sticky toffee pudding is on the menu!

He is married to Heather who is also on the KFC leadership team and they have two girls. Jonny has a deep desire for people to know Jesus and is looking forward to spending the next three years with the church, people and town that he loves so much; as well as getting stuck into uncovering the riches of scripture through his studies!

Jonny Richmond Pastor-in-Training & Church Leader / Trustee

Church Coordinator / Church Leader / Trustee

Pennie Sutton

Pennie is married to Giles and a proud first-time grandma to Isla. As Church Coordinator (that’s a posh name for a person who sorts out church “stuff”) … she does anything from admin to advent to toilets & trustees (and lots in between).

Her varied role means she gets to connect with Church family and Community, building relationships both inside and out of the building.

Encouraging, motivating, and enabling people to thrive, in the knowledge of how much they are loved and valued by God, is something she is passionate about.

Pennie Sutton Church Coordinator / Church Leader / Trustee

Church Leader / Trustee & Church Secretary

Heather Richmond

Heather is a mum of two, is married to Jonny (Pastor in Training at Kingsbridge Family Church) and has been a Christian from a young age. She is the Head of Movement and lecturer at Plymouth University, Artistic Director of her own professional dance touring company and is a trained sports massage therapist.

In the school holidays she runs ‘Soul Food Kingsbridge’ providing hot meals to families who need it partnering with local churches and businesses.

She loves dancing, spending time in or by the sea and seeing people filled with the hope and power of Jesus, especially through the arts!

Heather Richmond Church Leader / Trustee & Church Secretary

Church Leader / Trustee & Treasurer

Stephen Evans

Stephen became a Christian in his teens and joined KFC in 2020 when he married Becky who is the Director of Kingsbridge Youth For Christ. Stephen and Becky also oversee all things music and tech at KFC. Stephen works as an acoustic consultant (feel free to ask him if you don’t know what this means!).

To relax, Stephen enjoys climbing, sailing and walking the dog.

Stephen Evans Church Leader / Trustee & Treasurer

Church Leader / Trustee

Phil Inch

Phil is married to Ruth and has 3 children and one grandson and 2 Border Collies; Sarah their youngest lives with them. He is a retired GP and before moving from the North of England was a Trustee for a Christian Children’s Charity and Church Secretary. They moved to Frogmore in January 2021 and are very involved with village life and getting to know the local community.

Both Ruth and Phil are passionate about helping people, sharing hospitality and encouraging people to grow in their Christian faith.

Phil is a keen gardener, loves DIY and is slowly restoring an MGB! He also loves water sports and can now stand up on a paddle board!

Phil Inch  Church Leader / Trustee

Church Leader / Trustee

Nicki Teasdale

Nicki has been married to Richard for 36 years and they have just become grandparents for the first time. She worked as a teacher in a girls school near Bath, where she taught PE and Religious Studies.  They moved to Kingsbridge 9 years ago and immediately got involved in KFC and her other love netball, both coaching and playing. She loves living so close to the coast, where she can enjoy the water and can often be found pottering around the estuary on her boat.

Nicki has a passion for sharing the gospel, seeing how it enriches other people’s lives and has a heart for women’s ministry and would love to see it elevated in this area.  She feels very privileged to be working alongside this amazing team to serve God, Kingsbridge Family Church and the wider Kingsbridge community.

Nicki Teasdale  Church Leader / Trustee